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So how do you breakthrough and release all the deep seated thoughts that won’t let you go when everything else you’ve tried has failed? Here’s what I learned and I didn’t need to spend hours or years meditating (which, by the way, I’d already tried). You don’t need to interpret dreams, read countless books on attracting and intending, create vision boards, or pay for costly seminars (which I’d also tried). I was able to bypass all the time-consuming techniques and go straight to the source – the subconscious. It only took a few short minutes a day I was able to make “corrections” to my subconscious thought patterns so they rejected negative thoughts that were deeply rooted, the thoughts that continued to hide themselves even though I went through all the meditating, mantras, intending and all the rest of the techniques that are popular today And I was able to form new, powerful thoughts that will became my reality in the same way the old thoughts did. I’m sure by

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